Why Should I Repair My Appliance And Not Replace It?
We all have several large and small appliances in our homes. Some of which we use every day and others only once a week or possibly even less. No matter how frequently you use an appliance, there is no doubt that it has an important role to play. So, when it breaks down, should you rush out to buy a new one or should you have it repaired? Here are some reasons why professional appliance repairs are often the best solution.
More Affordable
The top reason is, of course, money. Replacing a part on the appliance will usually cost significantly less than replacing the whole appliance. So, for many, this makes all the difference. Especially if you are on a tight budget and you simply do not have the money to buy a new appliance at this time.
Faster Solution
Replacing an appliance will mean that you will need to shop around for a new one, place your order or physically pay for it at the store and then wait for it to be delivered if you cannot transport it yourself. When it comes to repairs, you only need to call a professional and they should be there within a few hours to fix the problem. So, when you have an urgent repair like a broken fridge and you don’t have time to waste, repairs are usually the quickest solution.
Less Hassle
As previously mentioned, if you shop for a new appliance, there’s quite a bit involved. It’s not only a matter of spending time and energy looking around, but it’s also terribly inconvenient. Especially when you are trying to compare prices, brands and models. It takes time and patience to read reviews and do enough research. Your old appliance might be broken for now but, with the help of professional repairs, it can be up and running again in no time. Plus, you don’t have to rush through all the current product listings to find something that will suffice just because you are in a hurry.
Wasteful Replacements
From an environmental standpoint, appliance replacements can be especially wasteful. This is particularly true if the problem can easily be repaired. Unnecessary replacements add to the ever-growing piles of waste. Even if you plan on recycling your old appliance, this still requires energy and the recycling process is not always very clean. So, instead of tossing the entire appliance, consider having just the faulty part replaced instead.
Sentimental Reasons
There is no price tag that we can put on our feelings. If you are the sentimental sort and you received the appliance from somebody special or it is associated with a pivotal moment in your life, this could be reason enough to hang on to it. Just remember to keep the energy efficiency of the appliance in mind as well. Older appliances tend not to be as environmentally friendly as newer models.
Now, with all of these reasons in mind, it’s good to keep a level head and remember that there are times when a replacement is the better option. For instance, if the cost of repairs is equal to or more than half the amount it would cost for a replacement, you might want to consider a new appliance. If there are several small issues with the appliance but this latest problem is what’s really affecting its functionality, you might want to think about replacing it since there’s more than one issue. Remember, it is also a good idea to consult with a professional regarding repairs before you make any decisions.
Call Max Appliance Repair at (613) 518-2177 for professional appliance repairs throughout Ottawa.