A washer won’t drain if there is any kind of blockage preventing the plumbing feature of the appliance to function normally. All washers are vulnerable to this problem. In some cases, it is not the fault of the appliance, but possibly some of the immediate surrounding elements. You must be observant and conscious about both probabilities. First, there could be an issue in the washer. Second, there could be another factor beyond the washer. Call Max Washer Repair Ottawa if your washer won’t drain completely and effortlessly. We offer same-day inspection and service throughout Ottawa. Our washer repair service includes necessary replacement of broken parts.
Contact our team today at (613) 518-2177
The most common reason why your washer won’t drain is a blocked drain hose. It is usual for a washer to have some residual buildup. It could be dust, dirt, grime, lathered water, and all of these combined. There could be the odd hard material as well, a coin, a pile of lint, some wires from bras, and other items that may have found their way in with your clothes. There are lint traps and other such checks ; balances in most washers. But there is always an easy possibility of materials clogging up the drain hose. You need to unclog the drain hose and free this crucial outlet.
External factors such as leveling, blocked main drain, obstructions in the drainage or plumbing, and other issues could be the reason why your washer won’t drain. There may be water backing up in the drain or plumbing fixture. Hoses may be kinked or chipped, bent or just blocked by surrounding objects. Eliminate all such probable external factors to see if your washer does drain properly. It is possible for both internal and external factors to be at play.
Any interruption in power supply during the draining process may halt it. This should be a temporary problem, unless the washer has a failing belt, or the lid switch is broken, sensors are unresponsive, or a combination of these issues. Defective belt, broken sensor, and failing lid switch would lead to improper draining. Our technicians would also check the pump and control board for defects.